
Welcome to Romeo's Food Lady! This blog contains recipes for delicious vegetarian food. Most of these are not recipes authored by me. Rather, this is just a compilation of great veggie food I've found from all over the place, usually tweaked just a little. It's intended to be a reference FOR ME so I don't lose great food I've found nor the changes I've made to suit my tastes, but I'm happy for you to use it, too. After more than 25 years of being a vegetarian, I know what tastes good.
Romeo's Food Lady is named after my friend and cat, Romeo. Romeo is not a vegetarian, but his Food Lady is!

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Vegan Chocolate Milkshake

This "milkshake" is so sweet and delicious that I honestly feel guilty having it during our annual sugar fast...even though it does not break our rule that fresh and dried fruits are the only sugar allowed.  Taste it and see for yourself!  (PS - I like to credit recipes when I get them, or the basis of them, from somewhere else, but this one is all me.)

2 bananas, peeled
unsweetened plant-based milk, variable amount
cocoa powder
2 big spoonfuls of unsweetened peanut butter

3 dates
handful of frozen mango

24 hours in advance, cut one banana into 4 pieces and freeze it.
When ready to make the "milkshake", put about 1/2 c. plant-based milk in a blender with the other banana.  Add the cocoa powder and peanut butter.  Blend until the banana is puréed, then add the dates, frozen banana pieces, and the frozen mango.  Blend until completely puréed, adding more milk as necessary to  keep the blender going but not so much that the shake loses its thickness (stir first, then only add more liquid if truly necessary).  Pour it out and freak out on its amazingness.

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